On Friday, December 15, 2023, the final conference of the “Social inclusion and empowerment of Roma from Satu Mare County” project took place in Tășnad. On the occasion of the final conference, an intercultural event and a round table were organized with the experts involved, Roma experts, formal and informal leaders, to discuss the lessons learned, the sustainability measures and the possibilities of multiplying the results of the project. The event was attended by representatives of the partners, beneficiaries of the project, experts involved in the implementation of the project and leaders of the Roma communities.

The project “Social inclusion and empowerment of Roma from Satu Mare County” was implemented by: Tășnad Territorial Administrative Unit, as the project promoter, and the following partners: Satu Mare County Intercommunity Development Association, Red Cross – Satu Mare Branch, City Ardud, Andrid commune, Dorolț commune, Lazuri commune, Păulești commune, Porumbești commune, Santău commune, Socond commune, Turulung commune. The project is financed through the “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Roma Inclusion” Program from funds coming from the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2020 and the Government of Romania. The project was implemented between January 2022 and December 2023, and the total eligible value of the project was 4,414,864.62 lei, of which 3,752,634.93 lei represent EEA Grants, and 662,229.69 lei represent public co-financing.

The main objective of the project was to increase the inclusion and empowerment of Roma in Satu Mare County, by providing integrated services for 1,300 people (680 children and 620 adults) coming from families in vulnerable situations (including 1,250 Roma) and increasing the capacity local public authorities from 10 communities to act effectively for their social inclusion.

The beneficiaries of the project are:

  • 1,300 people (680 children and 620 adults) from families in vulnerable situations (of which 1,250 are Roma) from the city of Tașnad (Sărăuad and Cervechi Districts), the city of Ardud, as well as from 8 villages in Satu Mare County: Stîna (Socond commune), Pelișor (Lazuri commune), Hrip (Păulești commune), Irina (Andrid commune), Cidreag (Porumbești commune), Atea (Dorolț commune), Santau (Santău commune), Turulung (Turulung commune) who benefited from integrated services;
  • 15 health mediators and 15 community development facilitators from the 11 target communities.

The main activities of the project consisted of:

  • Facilitation activities: selection and maintenance of the target group in the activities, campaign to raise awareness of the Roma population on equal opportunities on the labor market, consultation of Roma beneficiaries during the implementation of the project, actions to raise awareness of the target group regarding the benefits of using containers for personal hygiene;
  • Educational activities for Roma people in vulnerable situations: skills camp for a healthy life, non-formal education activities for children, empowerment activities for young Roma mothers;
  • Remedial education: 80 children from the “Anton Pann” Secondary School in Hrip participate in remedial education activities in basic subjects;
  • Facilitating access to employment: information and counseling in order to find a job; labor mediation;
  • Health services: creation of a first aid service at the community level, activities to promote and facilitate compliance with basic hygiene rules, providing incentives to increase motivation and mobilizing people to participate in project activities;
  • Investments for health: the purchase and commissioning of 10 communal bathrooms in the localities: Tașnad city (Sărăuad and Cervechi neighborhoods), Ardud city, Stîna (Socond commune), Pelișor (Lazuri commune), Irina (Andrid commune), Cidreag (commune Porumbești), Atea (Dorolț commune), Santău (Santău commune), Turulung (Turulung commune) equipped with photovoltaic panels;
  • Staff and volunteer training activities: professional training of 15 health mediators and 15 community development facilitators from the target communities.
  • Information, communication and project management activities.

The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of FRDS and the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2020. The entire responsibility for the correctness and consistency of the information presented rests with the initiators.
Project financed with the financial support of the “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Roma Inclusion” Program financed by the EEA Grants 2014-2020.