Implemented projects

Education for diversity

Funding Program: “Intercultural education through knowledge”.

Implementation period: 01.07.2023-29.10.2023

Total budget: 99.730 Lei, of which 88.090 Lei is funding from the National Agency for Roma from the state budget

Main applicant: Satu Mare County  Intercommunity Development Association

Partners: “Simion Bărnuțiu” Vocational School – Carei, Ardud High School of Technology, “George Barițiu” Vocational School Livada, Tășnad High School of Technology and “Petru Cupcea” Vocational School Supuru de Jos.

The main objective of the project: the project “Education for Diversity” has the main objective of creating a climate of intercultural dialogue among young people in Satu Mare County, by promoting intercultural values, mutual respect, and anti-racist attitudes.

Main activities of the project: 

– Organising a camp for 65 young Roma, Hungarian, and Romanian high school students from Satu Mare County;

– organization of 5 workshops for 25 teachers from the partner high schools;

– organization of a public campaign to promote tolerance and mutual respect for 250 young people of different ethnicities from the 5 partner high schools.


Financing programme: Romanian Energy Program

Implementation period:  01.03.2023–28.02.2024

Total budget: 163,205 Euros, of which 138,724 Euros represents funding from the EEA Grants 2014-2021.

Budget of the Association: 81.500 Euro

Lead partner:

Satu Mare County Intercommunity Development Association


Vista Analyse AS, Norway

The main objective of the project:

The main objective of the RENEWSM project is to consolidate knowledge and increase the degree of awareness of the population of Satu Mare County regarding renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy security.

The specific objective of the project:

The main activities of the project consist of: the preparation of a report on the potential of Satu Mare County in terms of renewable energy, the organization of a public campaign and training for 40 people, the organization of an exchange of experience in Norway, and a final conference of the project.

Main results of the project:

The main achievements of the project in the medium and long term are:

  • increased knowledge on renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and energy security for 50 representatives of local authorities and institutions, which in the long term will lead to less carbon-intensive and increased security of supply;
  •  raise awareness on renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and energy security for 2.000 inhabitants of Satu Mare county.


Financing programme: the Program “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Increasing Roma Inclusion”, EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021, the call for projects “Increasing Roma Inclusion and Empowerment”

Implementation period:  01.01.2022–31.12.2023

Total budget: 4.414.864,62 Lei of which 3,752,634.93 RON is EEA and Norwegian Grants and 662,229.69 RON is public co-financing.

Budget of the Association: 1.760.937,76 Lei

Lead partner:

Tăşnad Territorial Administrative Unit


  • Satu Mare County Intercommunity Development Association
  • Red Cross – Satu Mare Branch

The main objective of the project:

The project aims to increase the inclusion and empowerment of Roma in Satu Mare County, by providing integrated services for 1300 people from vulnerable families (including 1250 Roma) and by increasing the capacity of local public authorities in 10 Satu Mare communities to act effectively for their social inclusion.

The specific objective of the project:

The beneficiaries of the project are 1300 people from vulnerable families (including 1250 Roma) from Tășnad (Sărăuad and Cervechi neighborhoods), Ardud town (Roma neighborhood), as well as from 8 villages in Satu Mare county: Stîna ( Socond commune), Pelișor (Lazuri commune), Hrip (Păulești commune), Irina (Andrid commune), Cidreag (Porumbești commune), Atea (Dorolț commune), Santău (Santău commune), Turulung (Turulung commune).

Main results of the project: 

  • the provision of complementary and adapted educational services, at the level of 10 Satu Mare localities, for at least 680 children, mostly of Roma ethnicity, in situations of vulnerability (young people and children), through non-formal means, non-formal activities, a remedial education program for 80 vulnerable Hrip students and empowerment activities for at least 100 young Roma mothers;
  • facilitating access to employment for 620 inactive young Roma from 10 communities in Satu Mare, raising awareness of equal opportunities in the labor market, acquiring the information, skills, and means necessary to access a job, and by meditating on the labor market for at least 100 of the young people;
  • providing health services for 680 vulnerable children and 620 people in vulnerable situations, mostly Roma, by creating a first aid service in 10 target communities, by promoting and facilitating compliance with basic hygiene rules (on norms of health and personal and collective hygiene, disease prevention, first aid, nutrition, contraception) and investments in 10 communal bathrooms, during the implementation of the project.
  • increasing the local capacities in 10 multiethnic communities in Satu Mare to manage the problems faced by the Roma, by training 15 health mediators and 15 community facilitators to work with the Roma communities during the 8 months of project implementation.

COMMIGRATION - Developing a comprehensive approach for employees working with immigrants and an effective communication strategy

Funding program: Erasmus +, Key action: Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practice Action: Strategic partnerships for education and training, Type of action: Innovation

Project budget: 211,774 Euro

Implementation period: 31.12.2020- 30.12.2022

Lead Applicant:

Antalya Provincial Directorate for Migration Management

Project partners:

  • Center for European Union and Foreign Affairs Antalya
  • Akdeniz University of Antalya
  • Sapienza University of Rome
  • Satu Mare County Intercommunity Development Association
  • Learning for integration ry- Finland


The objective of the project:

Commigration is a strategic partnership for education and training, the main purpose of which is to develop effective communication with immigrants by developing and providing training programs and results for employees working in the field of immigration.

Implemented activities:

Establishment of the project website, establishment, development, and promotion of social accounts.

  • PGEC, Practical Guide for Effective Collaboration, will be developed by CEUPA with the contribution of all partners. With this guide, all the tasks and responsibilities of each partner, and the time and budgets for each activity in the project will be precise. It will also ensure the sustainability of communication, the development of cooperation between partners, and the monitoring of project progress. It will be distributed to the partners at the launch meeting.
  • Promoting the project and raising awareness, the logo and identity of the project will be prepared by the coordinator and will be printed by each partner and used to distribute in the form of stickers, flyers, and brochures. During the multiplier events that will be organized, promotional materials such as flyers, brochures, and posters will be printed.
  • Ensuring the safety of the participant, the special transfer expenses in Rome will be covered.
  • Translating the results from English into the mother tongue of the partners.

Education for life

Funding Program: 

The program “Promoting a healthy lifestyle through information and awareness” of the National Agency for Roma – Government of Romania

Implementation period: 01.09.2021-29.10.2021

Total budget: 40,000 lei of which 36,000 lei financial support of the National Agency for Roma – Government of Romania

Main applicant: Satu Mare County Intercommunity Development Association


  • The city of Negrești-Oaş
  • The city of Tășnad
  • Acâş commune
  • Andrid commune
  • Culciu commune
  • Oraşu Nou commune
  • Pomi commune
  • Petreşti commune
  • Santău commune
  • Tarna Mare commune
  • Tiream commune
  • Urziceni commune
  • Vetiş commune

The main objective of the project:

to promote a healthy lifestyle among Roma communities in Satu Mare County by organizing health education sessions and greening sessions in partner localities in Satu Mare County.

The main results of the project:

  • 13 information, education, and awareness sessions on the risk of family and community illness in the COVID-19 pandemic and on the national immunization program against the SARS-COV 2 virus attended by 390 Roma people from 13 partner localities in Satu Mare County;
  • 13 the ecological education of the 390 Roma people from 13 partner localities in Satu Mare County as well as their families. 


Financing programme: the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020, thematic objective 3. TO – local culture and preservation of historical heritage, priority 3.1 promoting local culture and history along with tourism functions.

Implementation period:  01.06.2021–31.05.2023

Total budget: 380.389,80 € of which 336.474,42 € from European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI)

Budget of the Association: 179.489,40 €

Lead partner:

Satu Mare County Intercommunity Development Association


  • Communal Enterprise “Agency of Regional Development and Cross-Border Cooperation “Transcarpathia” of Zakarpattya Oblast Council”
  • Onokivska Village Council (Ukraine)


The main objective of the project:

is to raise the cross-border touristic potential of the border areas of Satu Mare and Zakarpattya by developing a cross-border thematic route of castles that promotes culture and historical heritage.

The specific objective of the project:

  • create a joint cross-border thematic route of castles in the areas of Satu Mare and Zakarpattya and the preconditions for the preservation of common historical and cultural heritage
  • increase the level of promotion of cross-border tourism through the creation of a joint interactive tool (10 AR scripts developed for castles).


Main results of the project: 

  • increasing by 1500 the number of physical and online visitors of the sites included in the thematic route;
  • at least 20 organizations that use the support of the program to promote local culture and preserve the historical heritage, organizations that participate in the meetings of the group of experts and in the 2 common exchanges of experience;
  • 6 improved cultural and historical sites, and castles in the border areas of Satu Mare and Zakarpattya as a direct result of the support of the program (construction works 1, information kiosks – 4, playgrounds – 2;
  • 2 joint exchanges of experience organized, 17 tourist products developed in the form of a thematic route

Caravan for Roma children in Satu Mare County

Funding Program: 

The program “Promoting a healthy lifestyle through information, non-formal education, and awareness” of the National Agency for Roma – Government of Romania

Implementation period: 03.08.2020-15.10.2020

Total budget: 33,340 lei of which 30,006 lei financial support of the National Agency for Roma – Government of Romania

Main applicant:

  • Satu Mare County Intercommunity Development Association
  • Partners:
  • The city of Tășnad
  • Culciu commune
  • Doba commune
  • Dorolţ commune
  • Oraşu Nou commune
  • Pișcolt commune
  • Santău commune
  • Săcășeni commune
  • Tiream commune
  • Turulung commune

The main objective of the project:

is to promote a healthy lifestyle among disadvantaged communities in Satu Mare County by organizing health education sessions and non-formal education sessions for students and parents in partner localities in Satu Mare County.

The main results of the project:

  • 10 information, education, and awareness sessions on the risk of family and community illness in the COVID-19 pandemic attended by 250 disadvantaged children, mainly Roma, aged between 6 and 12 from partner localities together with their 250 parents/guardians;
  •  10 non-formal education sessions (puppet theater) were organized in the 10 partner localities for the 250 disadvantaged children mainly of Roma ethnicity. 

EPICAH - Effectiveness of Policy Instruments for Cross – Border Advancement in Heritage

Financing programme: Interreg Europe, European Policies Learning

Platform: Environment and resource efficiency, priority: conserving, protecting, promoting, and developing natural and cultural heritage

Implementation period:  01.01.2017-31.12.2022.

Total budget: 2.088.863,85 € of which 1.775.534,27 € from the European Regional Development Fund

Budget of the Association: 209.000 €

Lead partner: Eixo Atlántico do Noroeste Peninsular (Braga, Portugal)


  • Eixo Atlantico del Noroeste Peninsular (Vigo, Spain)
  • Asociación Ibérica de Municipios Ribereños del Duero (Spain)
  • Satu Mare County Intercommunity Development Association
  • Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa Spa (Empoli, Italy)
  • Tokaj Borvidék Fejlődéséért Nonprofit Kft. (Hungary)
  • Regional Development Fund / Region of Western Macedonia (Kozani, Greece)
  • Peipsi Koostöö Keskus (Tartu, Estonia)
  • Regionální rozvojová agentura Plzeňského kraje (Plzeň, Czech Republic)


The main objective of the project:

improving the policy instruments for cross-border natural and cultural heritage protection and development, through the exchange of experiences and good practices between partners with large experience in developing strategies, projects, and actions in this field based on cross-border cooperation processes.

The specific objective of the project:

improvement of the policy instruments for natural and cultural heritage protection

Main results of the project:

  • 7 regional reports (documents for diagnosing the main problems of cross-border natural and cultural heritage management)
  • 1 common report
  • 7 study visits (with the goal of familiarising with the situation on the spot)
  • 7 thematic workshops
  • 64 national workshops (dissemination of knowledge of the partners’ personnel)
  • 24 cross-border workshops (dissemination of knowledge of the partners’ personnel and cross-border counterparts)
  • 7 regional action plans (for improving policies of cross-border natural and cultural heritage management in each of the project territories)
  • 1 interparliamentary forum
  • 1 strategic communication plan
  • 6 more efficient CBC policy instruments (Interreg A) on cross-border natural and cultural heritage
  • 1 more efficient instrument on actions pertaining to cultural and natural cross-border heritage


Phase 3 is dedicated to the implementation of additional activities on mapping and exchange of experience and good practices in the post-COVID context in the field of cross-border natural and cultural heritage, respectively tourism.

PROCURE - Creating a good local economy

Financing programme: URBACT III

Implementation period: May 2016 – April 2018

Total budget: 749.396,34 € of which 608.327,56 € from the European Regional Development Fund

Budget of the Association: 52.300,80 €

Lead partner: Preston, United Kingdom


  • Albacete, Spain
  • Almelo, The Netherlands
  • Koszalin, Poland
  • Lublin, Poland
  • Candelaria, Spain
  • Bologna Metropolitan Zone, Italy
  • Koprivnica, Croatia
  • Nagykálló, Hungary
  • Prague District 9, Czech Republic
  • Satu Mare County Intercommunity Development Association, Romania 

The main objective of the project:

explore ways in which public authorities can use public procurement so that they contribute to the development of a good local economy and bring social and environmental benefits to the local communities. 

Activities on a network level:

7 transnational meetings brought together network partners to exchange experiences and learn from each other in the field of progressive public procurement. Five topics were discussed (during the six thematic meetings): European and national public procurement legislation, analysis of the spending and procurement strategy, the role of social and environmental criteria, increased participation and capacity building of SMEs, and measuring and monitoring the impact of the procurement. 

Activities on a local level:

11 integrated action plans have been produced (IAPs) based on the specific problems and solutions, as well as on the conclusions drawn from the transnational exchanges.

Active YOUth for Europe

Financing programme:

Erasmus+, Key Action: Mobility of individuals for mobility purposes, Action: Mobility for youth and youth workers, Type of action: Mobility for youth

Implementation period: 01.06.2016-30.11.2016.

Total budget: 10.410 €

Lead partner:

Asociația de Dezvoltare Intercomunitară Județul Satu Mare (Satu Mare, Romania)


  • European Youth Centre Břeclav z.s. (Břeclav, Czech Republic)
  • Association for Promotion of IT, Culture, and Coexistence (IKS) (Petrinja, Croatia)
  • Kék Egyesület for Cultural Life Non Profit Organisation (Nyíregyháza, Hungary)
  • Bulgarian Youth Community (Varna, Bulgaria)
  • Express Yourself (Salaspils, Latvia)

The main objective of the project:

to improve the level of competencies and skills of young people in the field of youth involvement in public life, as well as to promote participation in democratic life in Europe.

The main activity of the project:

exchange of experience organized in Satu Mare with the purpose of offering young people good examples, and tools to increase the participation of young people in the democratic life in Europe. 

"Partnership for an enlightened future"

Area of support:

Bilateral Fund – Programme RO01-Technical assistance and Bilateral Fund at National Level-Measure II: Environment.

Budget: 56.036,46 RON from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014

Implementation period: 01.06.2016-15.12.2016.

Project partner:

International Development Norway Research Trondheim – Norway

The objective of the project:

to continue the cooperation in the field of elaboration of energy efficiency strategies for regions/cities and to contribute to the transfer of knowledge and best practices between the partners in the field of public lighting.

Implemented activities:

The three main activities of the project:

a) a training course on public lighting for all members of the Satu Mare County Intercommunity Development Association,

b) a study visit to Trondheim, Norway for representatives of the Association,

c) elaboration of a best practice guide on energy-saving strategies and public lighting.

„Building partnership for a green future!”

Area of support: Bilateral Fund – Programme RO01-Technical Assistance

Budget: The projects benefited from a grant in value of €3.200 from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014

Implementation period: 01.01.2016-30.05.2016.

Project partner:

International Development Norway Research, a non-profit research organization located in Trondheim, Norway

The objective of the project:

Building partnerships for a green future! the project aims to develop the bilateral relations between Romania and Norway as donor states and to explore the possibilities for developing cooperation in the field of elaboration of energy efficiency strategies for regions/cities.

Implemented activities:

The main activity of the project consists of a study visit made by the representatives of the Satu Mare County Intercommunity Development Association in Norway at the partner headquarters, a visit that will focus on an exchange of experience on energy efficiency strategies in regions and municipalities, getting acquainted with best practices in the field of energy efficiency, developing common project ideas which can be implemented in the future and establishing new partnerships.